Become a Member!

The membership year begins on July 1st and ends June 30th. If you join after January 1st, the cost of membership is discounted for the remaining portion of the year.

Benefits of membership:

 Beginner, mentorship, partnership, and member support

A voice in the governance of our club, including the opportunity to serve on the board of directors or management team

Reduced game and lesson fees

An opportunity to earn two free games for each new member you recruit and each long-lapsed member (pre-Covid) you persuade to renew

Occasional lotteries

It is easy to pay for your membership or lessons!

You can pay your membership fee or lesson fee in one of these two ways:

Send an e-transfer to

[email protected]       *** NEW ***

No password is required. Your payment will be directly deposited into our bank account. If you do not see the message indicating the auto-deposit, stop! You have mistyped the email address. Your bank (not GRBC's bank) will confirm a successful transfer.

Please indicate in the e-transfer comments entry section:

  • What your payment is for, especially if you are paying for more than one thing or person
  • Your name(s)
  • Your email address 

Alternately, you can write a cheque payable to Grand River Bridge Club (not GRBC) and mail it to:

Grand River Bridge Club
ATTN:  Steve Allen
75 Lorilee Crescent
Kitchener, ON  N2N 2J3

Please write the same three data points as above on the back of your cheque

For New Members Only

Please note that in addition to paying for your new membership, you must also fill out a membership form.

If you forget to fill out a membership form but rather just send us an e-transfer with no identifying information, we have no idea who you are or how to contact you. This has already happened several times, and it has taken a team of trained detectives to figure out who made the payment, what it is for, and how we can deliver the desired service.

Becoming an ACBL Member Form

You may require an active ACBL membership number to play in our online (BBO) games (not required for our F2F games). Click ACBL Membership. You will be prompted for your bridge club's number. Type 129866 for Grand River Bridge Club. Prices are in $USD. You can pay for one-three years or try a free guest membership lasting four months.

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BBO Game Fees

Bridge Base Online regular game fees are $5USD. They are paid using BBO$, which can be purchased through the BBO website using a registered credit card. Automatic purchase of BBO$ is available when your balance is running low. There are special games throughout the year where a surcharge is added (e.g. NAP games).

Everyone is welcome to play in the Open sanctioned games on BBO even if they are not an active ACBL member. However, to win master points and to play in the restricted level games, you must have an active ACBL number. See below...

F2F Game Fees

Regular Face-to-Face game fees are $8 for club members and $10 for non-members. There will be a surcharge for special games offered throughout the year (e.g. NAP games, STaC games).

Members may purchase a "convenience card" (covers ten prepaid F2F games) at the club. The cost is $75, paid by cash, cheque, or debit card. Non-members can purchase a "Convenience card" for $100. One of the perks of becoming a member of our club is this $25 discount.

Being an active ACBL member is not a requirement for F2F games.


New Membership Application

Please fill out the form below to become a new member of our club (as opposed to a renewing member). 

Please review our Code of Conduct and Zero Tolerance Policy before proceeding.

For more information, email [email protected].

Online form graphic


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