How To Do Electronic Transfers

Some people do not understand how to e-transfer. Here's a mini lesson...

To complete the e-transfer, you will be asked to fill in the following fields. Bear in mind that different banks may use different terminology.

1.   What bank account are you transferring from?

Select an account from the dropdown list of accounts (ie these are your accounts)

2.   How much money is being transferred from that account?

type the amount

3.   Who is the recipient of the money?

If this is the first time that you have e-transferred money to GRBC, you need to add us as a payee/contact. Click on the Add New link. Give the payee/contact a name (eg MyFavBridgeClub) and assign 
[email protected] as the email address (twice). SAVE it. WE STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT YOU COPY & PASTE IT TO ENSURE ACCURACY.

Now, select that entity from the Payee/Contact dropdown list

4.   Is there anything you want the recipient to know about this transfer?

Yes! There is an optional box for messages to the recipient. Enter
 your name(s), email address and what service(s) you are paying for. Without this identifying information, the Treasurer will have no idea who you are or how to contact you. 

For example:    Chris Smith taking LBIAD   
 [email protected]

5.   After entering all of those fields, there will be a message indicating that GRBC’s bank account has “auto-deposit” enabled. If you do not see the message, you have mistyped the email address and it needs to be corrected! With “auto-deposit” enabled, no pass-phrase is required. If you see a pass-phrase box, you have mistyped the email address and it needs to be corrected!

6. Click NEXT

A final confirmation page should appear. Review it. When it is ready to go, click the SEND button. The transaction should occur within seconds. Your bank (not GRBC's bank) may instantly confirm that a successful transfer occurred.

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