If the winter weather is really bad and we have to cancel a face-to-face game, we will post that info here, as soon as the decision is made.
Our Philosophy
We are a non-profit, volunteer-driven, membership-owned bridge club located at 2481 Kingsway Drive. Our mission is to "Play and learn bridge in a welcoming environment". We also want:
♣ To communicate with and stay close to our members; ♦ To invite new members to join our club; and ♥ To invite our community to scope out the game of bridge.
We offer two ways to play through our club:
Face to Face
Play in a safe environment, enjoy the social aspect of seeing and chatting with your partner and other members. Our bridge club is located at 2481 Kingsway Drive, Kitchener.
Bridge Base Online (BBO)
Monday Night 0-750 club games are offered for those who choose to play from the comfort of their homes.
All of our games are sanctioned by the ACBL, giving you an opportunity to win master points. Our club's ACBL number is #129866. Sound interesting? How do you start?
Need an ACBL player #? Please use one of these links so that our club gets a credit. You can get a free 120 day membership by clicking this link 120 day Guest ACBL Membership or you can purchase a regular membership by clicking this link Regular ACBL Membership
Login to Pianola for access to membership information and a partner-finder.
GRBC is Face-to-Face!
The club has live sessions on Mondays (bridge lab - morning, Open and 299er games - afternoon), Tuesdays (open game - afternoon and 99er game - evening), Wednesdays (299 and 749 game), Thursdays (open game), Fridays (749er - afternoon and open - evening) and Saturday morning (99er game).
The bridge labs are very informal sessions wherein newer players can play hands (which are not scored) and ask questions of the experienced players present. No preregistration is required and participants are welcome to come without a partner. Sometimes there are mini-lessons.
Regular fees for both labs and games are $8 for members and $10 for non-members.
GRBC will be following all applicable Public Health requirements.
There was some confusion and the Alert said that the bridge lab on February...
Lessons in Fall, Winter, and Spring
Grand River Bridge Club offers a variety of lessons for all different levels of bridge experience. You do not need to be a member of the club to take lessons.
Click on the Image to See Our Detailed Schedule and Protocols
Policy-Protection from Covid-19 and other respiratory illnesses
The Ontario Public Health website recommends the following steps when someone is not feeling well.
Staying home when you are sick and wearing a mask until day 10 from symptom onset.
You should stay home until all of the following apply to you:
Your symptoms have been improving for at least 24 hours (or 48 hours if you had nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea)
You do not have a fever
You do not develop any additional symptoms
Inform others of their exposure-household members and similar close contacts. A close contact is anyone you were less than 2 meters away from for at least 15 minutes in the 48 hours before your symptoms began or your positive test result, whichever came first.
There are exceptions to wearing a mask, ie if you have a medical condition that inhibits your ability to wear a face covering. You are able to remove a mask temporarily to eat or drink.